Thursday, December 31, 2009

The Blue Moon Spell

The blue moon for December will occur at around 7 p.m. of Dec. 31 universal time, previously known as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). It will be visible in the United States, Canada, Europe, South America and Africa.

Since the Philippines is eight hours ahead of universal time, the blue moon for the Philippines will lapse into Jan. 1 at 3:12 a.m.. Therefore, this full moon will not be considered a blue moon by Philippine standards.

But we will have two full moons for the month of January, with the first coming in on Jan. 1 and another on Jan. 30, the latter being the “blue moon.”

For February, there will be no full moon because the month will have 28 days. A full moon has a 29-day cycle.

But March will again have two full moons, the first on March 1 and the other, considered the blue moon, on March 30.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Spell - How To Forget Me Not

The following are the ingredients you will need:

  1. a square of white cloth (a handkerchief will do)
  2. a sprig of mint
  3. a photograph of you and your lover, together
  4. a pair of your lover's underpants
  5. a pair of your sexy underpants
  6. a piece of scarlet ribbon


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